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The Spirits` Book Allan Kardec Pdf


Allan Kardec and his wife Rivail was in his early 50s when he became interested in, which were a popular entertainment at the time. Strange phenomena attributed to the action of were considered a novelty, featuring objects that moved or 'tapped', purportedly under the control of 'spirits'. In some cases, this was alleged to be a type of communication: the supposed spirits answered questions by controlling the movements of objects so as to pick out letters to form words, or simply indicate 'yes' or 'no'.

At the time, 's theory of had become popular. When confronted with the phenomena described, some researchers, including Rivail, pointed out that animal magnetism might explain them. Rivail, however, after seeing a demonstration, dismissed animal magnetism as insufficient to explain his observations. As a result of these influences, Rivail began his own investigation of, mainly. During his initial investigation, he stated that before accepting a spiritual or paranormal cause for some phenomena, it would be necessary first to test if ordinary material causes could explain them. He proposed that fraud, hallucination and unconscious mental activity might explain many phenomena regarded as mediumistic, and also proposed that telepathy and clairvoyance may be responsible. De Blij Human Geography 10th Edition.

The Spiritist Magazine 1858. Allan Kardec. RELATED TEXTS: The Spirits' Book, Part II 'The spiritual world or the world of the spirits'. VII Return of the spirit to the corporeal life, Sympathies and Antipathies. Practical instructions about the spiritist manifestations 'Spiritist Vocabulary'. Spiritism in. PRINCIPLES OF SPIRITIST DOCTRINE ON THE IMMORTALITY OF THE SOUL: THE NATURE OF SPIRITS, MORAL LAW AND THE DESTINY OF THE HUMAN RACE.

The Spirits` Book Allan Kardec Pdf

He compiled over one thousand questions concerning the nature and mechanisms of spirit communications, the reasons for human life on earth, and aspects of the spiritual realm. He asked those questions to ten, all purportedly unknown to each other, and documented their responses.

From these, he concluded that the best explanation was that personalities that had survived death were the source of at least some mediumistic communications. He became convinced that the mediums: • provided accurate information unknown to themselves or others present (e.g. Personal information about deceased individuals); • demonstrated unlearned skills such as writing by illiterate mediums, handwriting similar to the alleged communicating personality, and speaking or writing in a language unknown to the medium (xenoglossy and xenography); • accurately portrayed a range of personality characteristics of deceased individuals. He compiled the mediums' responses that were consistent and adapted them into a philosophy that he called, which he initially defined as 'a science that deals with the nature, origin, and destiny of spirits, and their relation with the corporeal world.' Rivail wrote under the name 'Allan Kardec', allegedly following the suggestion of a spirit identified as Truth. On 18 April 1857, Rivail (as Allan Kardec) published his first book on Spiritism,, comprising a series of answered questions (502 in the first edition and 1,019 in later editions) [ ] exploring matters concerning the nature of spirits, the, and the relationship between the spirit world and the material world. [ ] This was followed by a series of other books, including,, and, and by a periodical, the Revue Spirite, which Kardec published until his death.

Collectively, the books became known as the. [ ] Kardec's research influenced the research of, and.

Memorial [ ].

By Allan Kardec 'Of the 5 primary books that contain the Spiritist Codification, The Spirits’ publication used to be the 1st one who compiled the entire teachings of excessive order spirits (the Spirits) via mediums internationally. It's the landmark of a doctrine that has had a superb influence at the notion and existence view of a substantial part of humankind due to the fact that 1857, whilst the 1st French version was once published. It truly is divided into 4 components and has 1,019 questions requested through Allan Kardec, the Codifier of Spiritism. It rationally and logically offers the lessons of Spiritism of their clinical, philosophical and spiritual features.

It doesn't matter what the spiritual convictions or ideals of the reader are, interpreting The Spirits’ ebook could be of massive worth for everybody, for it addresses the problems of God, the immortality of the soul, the character of spirits and their family members with people, ethical legislation, our current and destiny lives and the way forward for humankind - topics of normal curiosity and nice practicality.' Read or Download THE SPIRITS' BOOK PDF Similar new age & spirituality books. In vain is it proved by the evidence of facts that the communications of the medium are often entirely foreign to the thoughts, knowledge, and even the opinions of those who are present, and that they are frequently spontaneous, and contradict all received ideas; the opponents referred to are not discouraged by so slight a difficulty. The radiation of thought, say they, extends far beyond the circle immediately around us; the medium is the reflection of the human race in general; so that, if he does not derive his inspirations from those about him, he derives them from those who are further off, in the town or country he inhabits, from the people of the rest of the globe, and even from those of other spheres. It is easy to distinguish between good and bad spirits. The language of spirits of superior elevation is constantly dignified, noble, characterised by the highest morality, free from every trace of earthly passion; their counsels breathe the purest wisdom, and always have our improvement and the good of mankind for their aim. The communications of spirits of lower degree, on the contrary, are full of discrepancies, and their language is often commonplace, and even coarse.

If they sometimes say things that are good and true, they more often make false and absurd statements, prompted by ignorance or malice.