Technicolor Router Keygen
**Devices WITHOUT root permissions andwithAndroid >= 5.0 (Lollipop), can connect with this app buttheyCANNOT view the WEP-WPA-WPA2****Devices WITHOUT root permissions and with Android = 5.0 you can test the PINs withthisapp and you can connect, BUT YOU CANNOT SEE WPA ( OR WEP )PASSWORDWITHOUT ROOT PERMISSIONS.Use this app only with your own AP for do not go againstthelaw.Privacy Policy: With a hundreds of millions of freeWi-Fihotspots shared by our users globally, you can connect tofreeWi-Fi with WiFi Master Key (by -LinkSureSingapore)!Search & connect to shared WiFi hotspots indicated by aBlueKey. Easy and safe.THE WIFI MASTER KEY EXPERIENCE- Cost Savings: Save data costs by connecting to free sharedWiFihotspots.- Easy and Fast: just search for the blue key and tap toconnectWiFi!- Safe and Secured: All shared password are not revealed. Itisencrypted to protect sharer’s privacy and security.- Easy to understand in your own language: Available in 19languagesacross 223 countries and regions.English,Thai, Bahasa Indonesia, Malay, Vietnamese,SimplifiedChinese, Traditional Chinese TW,Traditional Chinese HK,Japanese,Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Arabic,Turkish,Hindi,French, Italian, German.more languages coming soon.Disclaimer: WiFi Master Key is not a hacking tool.
Using MAC of BigShitPond with Technicolor router in #4 of the main menu it shows the DPass of. File '/usr/bin/bigpwnd', line. Log in with GitHub; Log in with.
It doesnotassist in unlocking passwords of Wi-Fi hotspots that are notsharedby the users. Hacking is illegal.With our growing community of over 900 MILLION users (ChineseandGlobal version combined), we aim to build a trusted platformforeverybody to enjoy the Internet. So, come join the world’slargestWiFi sharing community today! If you don’t find sharedhotspot yet,don’t worry, give the community some time to grow. Weare handlingover 4 BILLION connections daily and the number isgrowing rapidly.There will be more and more shared WiFi to help youget connectedonline and surf the Internet free!Rate us to show us your love! It means a lot to keep usgoing!Have a question?
Wanna leave a feedback or suggestion? Sure,we’dlove to hear them— tell us here or on our Facebookpage!the word, and keep sharing WiFi! By using this app, you cansee frequency,channel, modem manufacturer, encryption,security,distance to therouter, power, name and Mac address ofwireless access pointsaround you and show some information aboutconnected devices toyour network. In a word, this app is a WiFianalyzer with extrafeatures.With the ability to test WPS vulnerability and connect withWPS(No need to root on android 5 and later, need root on android4.4and earlier)A major security flaw was revealed in December 2011 thataffectswireless routers with the WPS PIN feature, which most recentmodelshave enabled by default.
Would you like to auto-connect to free WiFi every timeit'spossible, without asking for any password?It's easy as pie: download Instabridge >>you'redone!With 1 million secure, up-to-date WiFi spots andhotspots,Instabridge is the simplest way to surf the internet forfree.Instabridge knows which Wi Fis work and automatically keepsyou offthose that don't. No setup required.
Free Wifi Password is the best security tooltofor your Wifi Access point because it generates very secureandpowerful passwords.With this app you can get every information you wantFeatures:* Scan WiFi Networks around by you* Generate secure and large passwords* Want to know your IP address, then download this app and itgivesyou every information about like local IP, external IP,routername, router company name, etc.* Test your internet speed with a single click, test downloadandupload speed of your internet* Check all the devices connected to your Access point. WiFi Connection Manager is the bestWi-Fiscanner, manager and connector on android.Help us with the translation projectonAccording to the change of Google Play Mobile Adspolicy,devices before Android 2.3 are no longer be supported.Legacy devices can download the appfrom:Support AP (Access Points) SSID with special characters, suchasChinese, Japanese, Korean, Greeks, Russian, Arabic,Portuguese,UNICODE and so on.2. Display saved network password. (require device toberooted)3. Fix device Wi-Fi problems.4. Instant connect. Once searched, once start connecting.
Wayfasterthan the system build-in Wi-Fi scanner.5. Static IP settings support.
Auto switch betweendifferentAP. Elektor Sdr Software For Rtl2832. 6. Switch between available networks, solving the networkconflictproblem.7.
Add/Connect to certain hidden SSID network (depends on deviceandnetwork conditions).8. Manual add network, with special support for EAP/LEAPencryptednetwork.9.
Pause scan, convenient to browse many results.10. More detail network information, network bandwidth, channelandnetwork type.11. Auto detect Web Authentication.12. Backup/Restore saved networks.13. Add/Share Wi-Fi network with QR code.14. Arrange network connecting priority.15. WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) support for Android 4.0 orabovedevices.16.
Automatical switch between saved networks when signal isnotideal.17. Wi-Fi tether (Wi-Fi Hotspot) support.About the required permissions:Camera is for adding Wi-Fi network via QR code.Phone and Internet is for the AdMob plug-in made by Google.Storage is for backup and restore saved network. Wifi Password Hacker is a new free wifiappwhich allows you to pretend to break the password of allthenetworks nearby and gain the access. It looks professional anditis the best app to prank your friends.How to Use★Go to the place where wireless network is provided. Theprivatenetwork, wireless hotspot and Wifi tethering is allok.★Launch our Wifi Hack and press the start button. The Wifi toolwilldetect all the wireless networks nearby of which the Wifisignal canbe detected.★Select the wifi id you want to crack.★The Wi-Fi hacker 2015 will show the fake animations whichanalyzesthe wifi info and breaking process.★In the end the password of the network will be displayed.Disclaimer:Our wifi password breaker is just for fun. It cannot reallycrackany wifi passwords.
If you think it is funny, please give us5stars and we will produce more good apps for you. When you use this app,your deviceneedrooted.Wifi Password Recovery is the app to recover the everlostpassword of WiFi networks that you have connected.'
Optimize your WiFi network using WiFiAnalyzer(open-source) by examining surrounding WiFi networks,measuringtheir signal strength as well as identifyingcrowdedchannels.Users' privacy and security is a huge concern these days andWiFiAnalyzer (open-source) is designed to use as few permissionsaspossible. It asks for just enough to perform the analysis. Plus,itis all open source so nothing is hidden! Connect to WiFi for Free around theworld!WiFi Map is the largest Wi-Fi community in theWorld!WiFi Map has 100 million WiFis available worldwideWiFi Hotspots, passwords & comments from Wifi Map users!Features of WiFi Map:- Access Internet for Free when you connect to WiFi- Millions of WiFi hotspots available worldwide- WiFi passwords and tips- Smart search- Map navigation- Filter by the nearest WiFi around you- Share WiFis on facebook, instagram, twitter for yourfriends- You can add WiFi hotspots around youYou need WiFi?1. Open WiFi map2. The application will show you nearby WiFi hotspotsavailablearound you3.
You are connected!WiFi Map is available in 59 different languagesFAQ:# How to add WiFi hotspot to WiFiMap:us on Facebook: Free Wifi Password ( 2017 ) is a securitytoolthat helps you to generate a long random alpahanumeric passwordtoprovide you a better security in your wifi network.Notice this app will NOT hack, steal or retrieve to you any3rdparty wifi network password it's just a security tool to helpyouto incrase your security generating long random passwords thatyouhave to set it manually to your router or copy paste fromtheapp.For example in case of a hacking brute force attack ismostdifficult to hack a longer combined numbers and characterspasswordthan a normal one. The puropose of this app is help you inthistask.Also Free Wifi Password 2017 contains other few features likecheckthe mac of wifi networks arround you, or the kind of securitylikewep, wpa and other useful information.If you find this application useful please leave a comment orratingthanks. Wifi Password Hacker is a powerful andfunnytool to simulate hacking any wireless network or Wi-Fihotspot. Andit's not just an wifi hacker, it is an useful WifiPasswordRecovery Tool and Wifi Router Scanner.★Wifi Password Hacker★It is a prank function that simulates to hack any wifi network.Itscans the networks around you and you choose one Wifi to hack.Thebreak animation is so realistic and it show theWifipasswords.★Wifi Password Recovery★This is an useful function for you to read all the passwords ofthesaved networks in your Android phone.You will never forget the passwords of your networks. PS.Thisfunction requires ROOT Permission.★Wifi Router Scan★With the wifi router scanning function, you can easily find allthedevices which are connecting to your router. You Wifi Routerwillbe within your control.
Wifi Password Hacker is a new free wifiappwhich allows you to pretend to break the password of allthenetworks nearby and gain the access. It looks professional anditis the best app to prank your friends.How to Use★Go to the place where wireless network is provided. Theprivatenetwork, wireless hotspot and Wifi tethering is allok.★Launch our Wifi Hack and press the start button. The Wifi toolwilldetect all the wireless networks nearby of which the Wifisignal canbe detected.★Select the wifi id you want to crack.★The Wi-Fi hacker 2016 will show the fake animations whichanalyzesthe wifi info and breaking process.★In the end the password of the network will be displayed.Disclaimer:Our wifi password breaker is just for fun.
It cannot reallycrackany wifi passwords. If you think it is funny, please give us5stars and we will produce more good apps for you. Your phones, tablets running theandroidoperating system are able to receive wifi GPGS/3G/4G/5G OnMobilesignal from this application.
Create Portable WifiHotspotFree Wifi Hotspot application with lightweight data storage isableto broadcast wifi, share wifi from your phone in thehigh-speed,secure and simple way.Usages:1. Share Free Wifi Hotspot with many people without password.Activate your WiFi Hotspot for using.2. Find quickly and immediately all thewirelessopen networks without password and free where you canconnect fromyour smart phone.With this application does not you'll have to search amongthehundreds of nearby wireless networks those to which you canconnectwithout password. With just a click you can see it andconnectfree.Also, you can see in detail the network parameters you choose.If,moreover, that open wireless network is yours, the applicationwillallow you to generate a strong password and PIN WPS if youdecideto block potential hackers attacks.The application will allow you, too, see the rest ofavailablewireless networks, with all possible available data, suchas theSSID, MAC, encryption (WEP, WPA, WPA2 / WPS), frequency,signalstrength wifi received and the channel on which youareworking.It contains advertising from other applications that may beofinterest. Osmino: FREE WiFi Lite - lightweight versionofthe legendary app osmino WiFi.
This is a free WiFi access aroundtheworld - more than 20 million wifi hotspots. With the help ofthiseasy WiFi-manager you can automatically join free WiFi andsharepublic and private WiFi networks. Automatic search andconnection topublic WiFi networks start with one tap. No anycomplicated settingsnor terms. You can check the nearest publichotspots on our WiFihotspot map.You get an automatic access to available WiFi. Without havingtoknow any parameters and network settings – osmino WiFi will doitfor you.You can also share the password to a known WiFi network and makeitavailable to other osmino users, just select 'Share' and agreebyfilling check box.Information about public hotspots is automatically set onmap,according to the data received from users’ devices. Whenyouconnect to any public network we receive on our server thenetworklocation, name and access settings and automatically show iton themap.This is how we create the use-proven public WiFi hotspots mapbasedon users’ data.
Wifi Free Connection Everywhere with youfreewi-fi connect internet enables any android smart phone tosearchfor open WiFi network wi fi the one that automaticallyconnect towifi easy n fast. Free wi-fi finder app will find hotspotwificonnectors open connect network and free auto connect faster,findaccess manage connection networks master. Wifi mapscanneravailable for free wifi wlan connect open network masterfree wifianywhere, anytime, everywhere, on the go for you andeveryoneforever, connect to WiFi passwords for FREE internet accessfreezone connect free open wifi no password.Best free wifi network manager have a function free wifianalyzermanager app for android phone. Free wifi ethernet bandwidthspeedchecker easy to use freewifi connect. Free WiFi auto connectwithno root, without data or internet connection network. Find, connect, manage WiFi networks.Improveconnection quality with a channel radar. Discover opennetworksaround you.
Network Master is a free WiFi networktool,netsignal with net speed test. WiFi speed test also a signalboosterprovides online security & speed up internet. Do youhaveissues with slow speed internet, disconnect from the internetoronline security? Using Network Master, you can identifyphishingWi-Fi hotspots to protect online security, this networkspeed testapp can find fast WiFi hotspots, detect all devicesconnected tonetwork analyzer pro, speed up phone by terminatingunauthorizedbackground apps, monitor data usage and share portablehotspotswith net speed master app.Network Master is the all-in-one professional tool forbetterWiFi speed experience. Just one tap, you’ll be the netspeedmaster of Android.Network Master-Highlights- Speed up internet: maximize network speed- WiFi speed test: test network speed- WiFi spy detect: protect network security-Monitor mobile data: monitor WiFi data usage-Network booster: refresh net speedNet Speed Master-Features●Maximize network speedThis personal hotspot booster view apps network usage inreal-timeand preserve bandwidth for important apps automaticallysuch asonline game, online video and downloader app.
WiFi You is a global WiFi network thatallowspeople with android smart phone to search and connect totheInternet for free and share WiFi safely withoutvisiblepassword.WiFi You provides 20 millions shared WiFi hotspots coveringeverycorner of the world. Based on your location,WiFi You smartlychooseshared WiFi hotspot for you to connect. All the WiFipasswords areshared by our users proactively, and intelligentlytested to ensureavailability.WiFi You for Android is available exclusively for Internetcustomersand contains WiFi security features to improve yourprivacy whileusing target WiFi hotspots around you. The app alsoprioritizes yourpreferred networks and automatically connects youto free WiFihotspots when in range, which makes it easy to findfree WiFihotspots with enhanced search tools and directions.WiFi You aims to build a trusted open platform for everyone toenjoythe Internet. So, come join the world’s largest WiFisharingcommunity today!
If you don’t find shared hotspot yet, don’tworry,give the community some time to grow up with more availableWiFihotspot. We are handling over ONE MILLION connections daily andthenumber is growing rapidly. There will be more and more sharedWiFito help you get connected online and surf the Internetforfree!By using WiFi You, you will be no longer limited by your dataplanwhen you enjoy HD movies, streaming musics, pictures, news,comics,novels, games and shopping on the Internet, at anytimeandanywhere.★ Get automatically connected to 20 millions of free WiFi alloverthe world, even in the less developed regions of Africa. Inthisway you can save your data usage and easily hop over freeWiFinetwork.★ Free shared access to Internet without the WiFipassword.Passwords are protected for the privacy and security ofthose whoshare.★ WiFi You users will be able to connect to your WiFi withoutyourpassword being visible and you can keep track of theusagestatus.You can easily lock your shared WiFi again atanytime.★ Comprehensive WiFi manager.It works like your system WiFiManager,but with superpowers! It gives you full control over WiFi,getnotified when you are connected and keep your devicefromauto-connecting to specific WiFi. It also classifies andrecommendsWiFi nearby and shows you the keys to access the sharedWiFi.★ Based on your location,one click to get available sharedWiFihotspot.
You always want to prove yourself as atechprodigy, a professional hacker. You want to fool friendsorco-workers, want them to surprise and mislead about your abilitytogenius, the latest hack software free 2017 will be the key tohelpyou do that.
During coffee breaks or shoping your friends usethephone on the net with 3g. They complained that the network wastooslow, hot, running out of batteries. Now you are the time tousethe wifi hack application to trick them.
Wifi hacking isnotharmful to any device. It is simply a fun application to trickafriend.So how to use the application and how the principle of how itworksmiraculously so?First go to google play typing free wifi hack wifi 2017 anddownloadthe wifi hack application, after successfully installedyou startusing the application.Initially, it will scan all your wifi around the clock, evenwhenyou turn on the network or not.
Once you have scanned all yourwifinetworks, it will display a list for you to select the wifinetworkyou want to hack. The next step is extremely simple, youjust needto click the word hack wifi and immediately theapplication willconduct security analysis->packageanalysis->decryption.All actions that take place within 5seconds of hacking 2017 wifiwill give you a piece of code called apassword retrieved from thewifi network. This fake password willmake your friends think youare a real hacker.Very simple, right. Download the wifi hack application now andgivethem a great joy.
The emphasis here is: the application is fun,thepassword is just a random string of letters rather than thecorrectpassword. You can not actually connect to wifi with thispassword.good luck!!!!!Main functions:+ Search for wifi networks around the clock withoutinternetconnection.+ Hack wifi make fun for everyone.+ Nice graphic graphics.+ Always free for installation.+ Helps you fake vowf trowr into a professional hacker.+ Hack wifi hostpotTag: wifi key, wifi free, wifi master,wifi hacker, hacker wifi,wifipassword, open wifi, router keygen wifi free, wifi wpswpa,wifi.
Easily access your router settings andcontrolyour wifi network with the “ - All Router AdminSetupWiFi Password” app. It’s easy, convenient and versatiletoolhelping any Android user to manage their router fromtheirsmartphone. With simple words the app will let you accessandmanage router settings setup and LAN settings.
It’s greatanalysistool to help you better understand your router and yourinternetsettings. 📶NO NEED FOR LAPTOPS OR COMPUTERSConfiguring a wifi network, changing wi fi password, seeingyourgateway (the basic is was previously only possibletolaptop or computers.
Now with the power of the Android appslikeour app, you can easily configure your router andLANsettings by simply login in, finding your router (we includetonsof brands) and take complete control.WHAT CAN YOU DO AS ROUTER ADMINWith this manage router app you get several amazing routeradminfeatures. From seeing what your default gateway is, to gettingtheexact default username and password for your router brand, thegoalis to give you COMPLETE control. This means that you will alsobeable to change wifi password and user name as you want.
Andtheability to change internet password, is not only the greatfeatureabout this router configuration app. You can also see yourIP,lease and service time and much more! - All Router Admin Setup WiFiPasswordFEATURES:✔️ router password change✔️ default gateway check up✔️ user and password (login data) from many router companies✔️ access to router settings and LAN settings✔️ change WIFI password✔️ change internet password frequently and fast✔️ free router admin control app!--------------If you are eager to control and find out key information aboutyourwifi router, get our app that gives yougreatadministration features over your wifi router andinternet.Get it for FREE now!
Do you want to know if someone is connectedtoyour wireless network without your permission? Your connectionisslow and you suspect that someone are stealing your wifi? WPS WiFi is the kind of WiFi network whichuses8 digits PIN to access. Unlike password protected WiFi, WPSWiFionly allows numeric digits to be set as the key, which canbevulnerable if the owner chooses a simple key, e.g.12345678.And WiFi WPS Tester is a utility which helps you detectthepotential risk of the WiFi, which include password risk andwpsrisk. Shipped with more than 30 PIN algorithms, WPS WiFi testerisable to find out whether your WiFi can be easily cracked downwithmore than 1000 known PIN. We don’t store your original key,neitherdo we share with other users. But if your WPS WiFi can beconnectedwithout manual inputs, it is suggesting that you shouldchange thekey to a more complicated one or turn off WPS.In this app, you will always see 4 colors in wifi list.Green - the wifi has been attacked by your device.Red - which may have password risk, that means you shouldchangepassword right now.Yellow - which may have wps risk, so just turn off WPS.Black - WiFi WPS Tester suppose it is a safe wifi.If you want to test, just click the wifi item and wait fortheresult.
Be patient, It may cost a few minutes.Last but not least, this app only works on Android OS 4.2 andabove.Should you have any doubt and question, please feel free toleave acomment. ✖ WiFi Password Viewer doesn't discovertheWiFi passwords!✔ WiFi Password Viewer shows only the password of WiFi networkstowhich you have been connected!Warning: ROOT access is required. Some devices (e.g.Samsung)encrypt WiFi passwords, so that no app can show themclearly. Toshow them, please, following the instruction in theWelcomeAlertDialog in the app orhere:collaboration.N. B.: it's impossible to make an application to show WiFipasswordswithout requiring root, as it has to read a file that isin aninaccessible location without administratorprivileges(/data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf).WiFi Password Viewer is available in:🇬🇧 English🇮🇹 ItalianAbout WiFi Password Viewer•XDA-Developers:any request, report or other, please, send me an emailbeforeleave a negative review ().Otherwise, Ifthe application helped you, consider to leave apositive review.Thanks for your support.
Hopefully some of you will find this table useful for () pentesting WiFi routers. Please note that the figures shown in the far right column 'Time' are based on a Palit GTX 970 using oclHashCat. You will need to do your own maths for this, but it gives you a good idea of average crack times for a fairly standard £300 / $500 GPU. For WPA2 with the GTX 970, my benchmarks with hashcat are; • 13,774,031,184 password hashes per day • 573,917,966 per hour • 9,565,299 per minute • 159,421 per second Anything marked as 'Never' and red will take more than a year to crack. Anything green is less than 1 week. Anything amber is unknown or will require a word list. For EE/Brightbox wordlist details, see (appears to have been taken down.
Google cache search.) For NETGEAR details, see. Obviously most of you will find the SSID / Password Format / Length columns the most useful. Loving your work! Is there any merit to a random walk through the keyspace? Markov chains? Does the routers ssid/mac address influence random key generation? There also must be a non-repeating rule when generating these keys that states you can't have more than two (for example) of the same characters in a sequence.
So if attacking a 2WIRE 0-9, 10char, would be a wasted attempt because of the 999 at the end. How drastically could you reduce the keyspace? I note your entry for virginmediaXXXXXX says 3 weeks, but its the same complexity as VMXXXXXXX-2G/5G at 6 days. Wow, I have to say I am impressed with Xfinity on their default passwords in this case. Looks like I will have to settle for WPS pins on those instead. I'll update with my lockout findings.
Thanks for the info. FYI gemtek seem to be access point/4G routers or internal WiFi cards! The cat and mouse game continues with default passphrases.
I could see some sort of decentralised OCLhashcat whatever with participants being rewarded with bitcoin or something. Does anyone know what limits the crack rate?
Is it stream processors or is it raw clockspeed or both? Wheres the bottleneck? Which part of the silicon is OCL stressing? Xfinity on the other hand seems to be 16 chars hex. Is that 16 to the power of 16?
Appears to be uppercase and numbers. Uppercase = 26 letters, numbers = 10 (including 0) (26+10)^16 = 7,958,661,109,946,400,884,391,936. Correction: On closer inspection, there does not appear to be any letters above F, which is pretty standard for a lot of router passwords. Therefore you are correct bingowings85, it would be; (6+10)^16 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 Would take years to crack unless you have an amazing rig or a super computer.
Therefore not worth bothering trying to crack this one via Brute Force. Stick to dictionaries. One point to note is that how hard a password is to crack tends to relate more to it's length, rather than it's complexity. Both help, but this Xfinity is a prime example of a password only using 2 types of digits but still being almost impossible to brute-force simply due to it's length.
This, of course, does not apply should standard dictionary words be used, or obvious replacements such as $ for S and 3 for E. I will look at updating the table shortly, busy morning at work today! Seems all new routers are trending towards impossible. I would say so, yes. The ability to capture a WPA/2 handshake is not something they can get rid of any time soon, as it's the way routers actually work, so the easiest way for companies to secure their routers is to simply make the password more difficult.
Older routers are certainly the easier passwords, most of the time. One mitigation is to get better equipment, such as a rig of 8 x GPUs, but this is expensive. Or you could pay someone with a rig like this to do the cracking for you. Another option is to get a massive amount of hard drive space and create the rainbow tables required to crack passwords really quickly, but you're talking at least hundreds of Terabytes of storage to store any decent amount of tables, which again is expensive. Unfortunately, sometimes another method is required.
Social Engineering, or attacking WPS, WEP etc. Related/unrelated TalkTalk's wi-fi hack advice is 'astonishing' 'They had been investigating the spread of a variant of the Mirai worm, which was causing several makes of routers to stop working properly. During tests of a TalkTalk model, the researchers discovered that the vulnerability exploited by the worm was also being abused to carry out a separate attack that forced the router to reveal its wi-fi password.' 'no risk to their personal information'.
I could show them a few risks! 'The risk is probably no higher than using a [coffee shop's] open wi-fi network.' Which I would never do, because the 'risk' of which they speak is actually much higher than people give credit for. To be fair though, the funniest thing about articles like this is that they come from the point-of-view that it's not easy to get someone's Wi-Fi password via other methods. Which 99.9% of the time, as the table above shows - it is.