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A cabinet-parliamentary system is applicable in Great Britain. Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. The royal throne is hereditary. From 1952 on the English throne for II Elizabeth from the dynasty Windsor is seating itself. She is the head of state and the head of the Anglican church. He is included in competence of the monarch: convening and dissolving the parliament, appointing and dismissing ministers, appointing the Prime Minister, containing and ratifying international agreements, declaring war, prerogative of mercy, sending knighthoods. In practice however the queen cannot fulfil her competence.
The monarch isn’t bearing responsibility for legal documents issued by oneself. A right minister which signed them is incurring her (countersignature). The queen is performing the role representative and integrating the British society and the state. The British parliament is bicameral and is composed of the House of Lords (the upper house) and House of Commonses (the lower house).
A cabinet-parliamentary system is applicable in Great Britain. Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. The royal throne is hereditary. From 1952 on the English throne for II Elizabeth from the dynasty Windsor is seating itself. She is the head of state and the head of the Anglican church. He is included in competence of the.
The House of Commons is being chosen in the general election on 5 years term of office, by citizens having the right to vote (finished 18 year of age). The House of Lords isn’t being chosen.
Persons having a hereditary title are seating themselves in it (not lower than the title of the baron) and persons on which the title of the baron was conferred without the right to inherit, as well as Lords Spiritual and lords by vocation, appointed by the queen. Tasks of the House of Commons are focused on fulfilling the legislative and test function towards the government. Only Members of Parliament have a right of legislative initiative. A sublation of notions of the government and the study is a distinctive feature of the British political system. The government consists of about 100 people. However a Prime Minister and 20 ministers are included in a study.
The government is never gathering in the full complement. Fundamental decisions in matters of state are being made by the study. It is he is managing the whole of the state apparatus, with foreign policy, is preparing bills. Politically the government is responsible before the House of Commons. A party which in choices gained the majority of votes is building the study. For her the leader is staying with Prime Minister. The study can offer the dissolution of parliament in the any time to the queen.
Political relations among the parliament and the study, are indicating it to the majority last, hence also a name of the British system – cabinet-parliamentary. Natalia,Kinga,Ania,Konrad 2c. They are estimating, that pose border of one’s homelands 200 million persons, i.e. A 3% of the world population live.
The part of these persons is refugees and they aren’t moving from the country to the country of their own free will. However the predominating generality of people is settling pose border of one’s country more or less of one’s own free will. The number of freely moving people all over world will be growing. People are becoming more mobile, elastic, are extending their ranges and less and less are attached to their homelands. While still several dozen whether even a dozen or so years ago hardly anyone moved to Beijing, Dubai or Moscow, these cities aren’t already too this way regarded ‚exotic’, and companies are sending their employees now even to Mongolia or Yemen. Not everyone from these two hundred million are feeling all right in foreign countries. Before I thought that types of persons completely not being suitable for an emigration existed, at present this way I am already not planting.
Everyone can find the space for oneself and not necessarily it must be place, in which oneself. Before the move it is still necessary to realize that longing is inevitable. Not necessarily longing for the archetypal house, rather behind it, what familiar. It as a matter of fact is regarding not only living in foreign countries, but also long journeys. It’s good to think, what they will be longing, for to try to answer oneself to the question, what he can for us sort in the new seat. And to take care of in order can in case of the crisis feel most more probably and more ‚like at oneself’. It is necessary to consider, that settling the simplest matter can last much longer than they are accustomed to it.
It is tiring. In London sending the packet is a visit of few minutes on the post office (even when before many persons are standing), sweetened with smiles and politenesses. In Paris I sent the stupid small small parcel nearly an hour (before me three persons stood) both I heard a lot of growling and barking, that next time I was supposed alone to weigh the parcel and to buy the appropriate stamp in the machine. It is humiliating, when the man is feeling reprimanded like the child, which something did mischief. It is worthwhile setting aside more time for settling office matters for itself, buying train tickets (they at the counter often stand in India even and half an hour, like not longer and he is filling very detailed forms in, when they want to travel by train immediately but up to the B point). It is worthwhile being patient if an opened Internet or a bank account want to be.
In Sydney I was surprised, that there everything was finishing through phone, and they are only going to the seat of the bank, how they really must. In Poland next he surprises me, that automatic paying monthly accounts by the Internet is a rarity. I am accustomed, that in England almost it is possible to settle everything through the Internet or the phone what is considerable facilitation, but fresh arrived immigrants can feel insecure, particularly when don’t speak English too well, and the vote into telecommunicationses is included to the Scotsman or the Indian. There is no perfect country. Unimportant whether the man is moving to Dubai, Mumbai or Singapore – something won’t always suit us in the new seat. And not everyone will be complaining about it alone.
Many foreigners are praising the climate in Sydney, and for me the weather was one of the greatest drawbacks of living there. Best I am feeling in London – knead about the temperate climate, without frost and great heat, by it relatively humid (at least still in Paris or Warsaw deciding more often is falling). Spending time searching for defects in the new seat and comparing everything home it is possible to drive into depression itself. Of course it’s good to read about the new country before the trip, but sometimes it to be possible to adopt a negative attitude to something what then is being shown with the untrue or exaggerating the mere trifle.
Therefore after the arrival in place it isn’t worthwhile searching for confirming its prejudice, but trying to compare them with reality. And to understand many culture aspects are relative. He can irritate the Japanese man, that in Germany it is so dirty, while the Egyptian will recognize Germany as the ideal of the cleanness and order. Inhabitant of Parises will seem unusually impolite and vulgar to the American, but Chineses can regard residents of the capital city of France as the politest people under the sun. In issues of this type he doesn’t have an objectivity, we are comparing things to the ones which we know, so not always it is worthwhile listening other. And it isn’t worthwhile generalizing – I in Paris met both very unkind and very nice persons (at least I am not concealing that it is one of least pleasant countries, in which I was). Natalia, Kinga, Ania, Konrad 2c.
England is vaunting the tradition. To feel and one can see her everywhere, from old buildings, for customs of drinking the tea at five o’clock. And everything is leaning it oneself on an tremendous educational system of the British elite.
Schools in this country of the May of not decades but centuries of the tradition. They educated kings, princes, magnates of the business and the gentry.
Now more and more available, schools started opening their door for persons from pose of the small circle, but still carefully selecting pupils based on ambition, the ability and the origin. Many principles are here not written, foreigners often have very heavily, because at once aren’t being accepted because of that contrary to appearances closed company.
Uniforms and the politeness to teachers are an everyday life here. In century 12 / the child is writing 13 years Key Stage 3 exams in ‚2 nd of form/s 7 th grade’. They are these are basic examinations which they let his ability but the school for the child check to allot to appropriate ‚of sets’ (are these are different classes at schools where material is being taught at other pace).They are these are equivalents of Polish grammar-school entrance exams, only written from every object in series 15 to 25 examinations. Children are preparing for them through entire 2 / 3 years, because they then will be distinguishing them from the ones which don’t have them, because began their education in England in century 16 / 17 years. Or of other international pupils which didn’t study at international schools.
Available assessments it: A*- best A- very good B- of the good C- Turning over D- nothing special E- weak F- g = fail, not-passed G/U- this evaluation even won’t appear Examination papers are written since May by July. Children throughout the country are experiencing the very major stress at that time, not being able even to carry the mobile phone. Catching the pupil from prohibited with thing perhaps to mean even entries to the black list forbidding this person to write examination papers of this company throughout the country. Examinations are produced by all sorts independent Edexcel companies, OCR and AQA (from most popular) differ in small details in curriculum. With the minimal result for good school 5 turned over to GCSE on the level C or higher.
Next the child is choosing the system it will want to go along which.In England actually it is choice between A-level (old English system) or IB (International bacculearate – international maturity examination). According to the system of English this research lasts 2 years. (from 11 th grade to 12 th grade or from lower 6 th of forms fo upper 6 th of forms). Examination papers written in century 17 / 18 / 19 years, are the most important examinations in the school period. A-level examinations the same as GCSE examinations are run by independent AQA companies, Edexcel and OCR. The School has everything what for the child is needed, the doctor is on the spot 2 times in of weeks while the duty nurse is approachable twenty-four hours a day.
Typical weekday for the academic. 7.15 – 7.30 – Wake-up, everyone are directing to the bathroom, in order to somebody else aren’t panting of 3 only available showers. 7.30 – 8.15 – Breakfast, probably bacon, egg, petals with the milk, pieces of toast. 8.15 – 8.10 – Roll Call, i.e. The meeting for everyone of persons from the given academic, information, calling the roll 8.20 – 9.00 – General Assembly, i.e. Coming across the entire school before the director in the school theatre, prize distribution whether church into Fridays, or the meeting from tutorem (with person which is responsible too progress of child). 9.00 – 11.10 – 3 lessons (break of 5 minutes, between them in order to reach the class).
11.10 – 11.35 – the first break, the time for fast doing the lesson, or chit-chats with pals about what was during lessons. 11.35 – 13.00 – 2 lessons. 13.00 – 14.00 – Break to the dinner. 14.00 – 14.15 – lunch time roll call, meeting of persons from the hall of residence. 14.15 – 15.40 – 2 lessons (or sport into Wed or championships into Sat, or leaving to the city (by your leave)). 15.40 – 16.00 – break before sport.
16.00 – 17.00 – sport. 17.00 – 18.15 – supper. 18.15 – 18.30 – Evening roll call, meeting houses, calling the roll of the house. 20.30 – learning in own rooms for younger persons older generations are working obligatorily to 21 from 21 leisure time until turning the lights out 21.45 – 13 years; 22.00 – 14 22.15 years – 15 years from 16 of year of age (class 6) he/she isn’t applying to this order, but one should be in its room from 22.30. Into Sundays holiday apart from the compulsory meeting an hour long at the church (in uniforms), then time for sport/exits to the city. Natalia, Kinga, Ania, Konrad 2c. TEDDY BOYS: They carefully selected their clothing, because they wanted to be as their mentor, King Edward VII.
Name of this subculture was taken from his name came into being, because „Teddy” was a diminutive of Edward’s name. Teddy Boys had a specific style of dress. They wore long-sleeved jackets, flaky vest and delicate coats, while the girls wore their shirts in large collars.
The hairstyle must also be impeccable – the boy could not imagine hair other than a half long, and the girl could not leave the house without a ponytail. Music: Billy Fury, Flying Saucers, The Riot Rockers. SKINHEADS: Skinhead, youth subculture characterized by aggressively masculine hair and dress styles, including shaved heads and heavy boots.
In many countries skinheads are commonly viewed as extreme right-wing nationalists or neofascists who espouse anti-Semitic and other racist views, though the skinhead phenomenon is not always overtly political and not all skinheads are racists. The skinheads originated in the 1960s in the working-class neighbourhoods of London.
Although the first skinheads were nonpolitical, many of them were soon drawn into extreme nationalist, and especially anti-immigrant, groups. Some skinheads were recruited as “storm troopers” for neo-Nazi organizations, and the movement became increasingly politicized. Skinheads expressed their racism in their music as well as in their street violence. Although many early skinheads favoured West Indian reggae, later skinhead musical groups produced punk music and Oi!, a variety of punk that focused on “street” issues. Music: The Buisness, Desmond Dekker, Slade, Blsphemy.
HIPPIES: The hippie movement of the 1960s based itself on the concept of not conforming to socially approved patterns of behaviour and indulging in a form of gentle anarchy. Nakedness was celebrated and shopping for pre-worn items at jumble sales and charity shops was commonplace with long-discarded military uniforms and ethnic dress mixed and matched to create a unique style. The music was heavily folk inspired, peppered with political messages promoting peace and love.They also listened to rock music. The aesthetic created a platform on which social change could be promoted and the surreptitious agenda of conflict exposed for all to see. Hippies advocated nonviolence and love, a popular phrase being “Make love, not war”, for which they were sometimes called “flower children.” They promoted openness and tolerance as alternatives to the restrictions and regimentation they saw in middle-class society. Hippies often practiced open sexual relationships and lived in various types of family groups.
They commonly sought spiritual guidance from sources outside the Judeo-Christian tradition, particularly Buddhism and other Eastern religions, and sometimes in various combinations. Astrology was popular, and the period was often referred to as the Age of Aquarius. Hippies promoted the recreational use of hallucinogenic drugs, particularly marijuana and LSD [lysergic acid diethylamide], in so-called head trips, justifying the practice as a way of expanding consciousness. Music: Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Grateful Dead, The Beatles. PUNKS: This is another rebellious group, opposed to power. It’s motto was „not future”.
Members of this subculture attach attention to their image – studs studded with a black leather jacket and belt and dark glasses. Their hairstyles were distinctive – colorful irokez and lots of earrings in different parts of the body. This group is an example of a strong subculture, which, despite years and changing trends, we can found on the streets of the whole world.
Music: Sex Pistols, Ramones. GRUNGE: How can we describe grunge? Plaid shirts and ripped jeans. Doc Martens and Converse. Guys with long, messy hair. The grunge subculture is a subculture that began in the 1980s and exploded in the early 1990s; it is comprised of alternative-rock music fans that concede on their cynicism of societal norms, materialism, and conformity to the masses.
Often grunge music is depressing or sad; for instance, many lyrics center around problems in relationships or dealing with mental illness. Music: Nirvana, Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden. CHAVS: During the 2000s, hoodies had gained a negative image, being associated with trouble making teens and anti-social behaviour. Chavs refers to anti-social subculture. Umax Astra 3400 Driver Windows 7 Download. Chav as an informal British derogatory meaning a young-lower class person who displays brash and lautish behaviour and wears real or imitation designer clothes. The Chav culture soon became the main topic of satire in the noughties with various comedians and musicians making fun of the subculture to amuse the public. The BBC comedy show ‘Little Britain’ took the stereotype to create the much loved character Vicky Pollard with her catchphrase ‘yeah but no but’.
Music: N-Dubz, 50 Cent, Devlin, Chipmunk.
The article is an attempt to introduce to Polish audience the artistic works and the person of James Broughton, one of the most important representatives of the American avant-garde. Outlining his profile, Idczak tries to show it as widely as possible against a broader background of the period, referring to debates about artistic strategies and poetic cinema fought by other avant-garde authors (for example Maya Deren). The main aim is to show Broughton mostly as an artist, not as a social activist.
In his work the poetic and cinematic aspirations were intertwined and mutually conditioned. The article focuses on the themes found in the entire Broughton’s oeuvre: the body, eroticism, ecstasy, motion (as the most important notion of being), love, and finally — joy, as a form of artistic message and myth.