Rom Flash Tool Mk 808
Can You Download Spotify Songs To Ipod Nano. May 18, 2013 Search in titles only Search in MK. By default kernel720 and boot720 are selected in the flash tool. Can you tell me what are the benefit to flash this rom?
RKAndroidTool v1.35 was renamed to 'ROM Flash Tool.exe' several months ago. You can find 'ROM Flash Tool.exe' in Bob's Finless ROM 1.6 (and maybe in Finless ROM 1.7 and 1.5a; haven't verified). You can download Finless ROM 1.6 from Raymond's link in post #3: When you run 'ROM Flash Tool.exe', at the top of the application window, you'll see 'Finless ROM Flash Tool - RKAndroidTool v1.35' because bob wants his ROMs only downloaded from; it's very hard to find the original 'RKAndroidTool v1.35' using google. It took me about 3 hours of searching to figure this out. It would be nice if the picuntu install documentation used the new name instead of the old name and save people who aren't familiar with android development unnecessary confusion. Edited by mkw, 27 January 2013 - 02:02 PM. RKAndroidTool v1.35 was renamed to 'ROM Flash Tool.exe' several months ago.
You can find 'ROM Flash Tool.exe' in Bob's Finless ROM 1.6 (and maybe in Finless ROM 1.7 and 1.5a; haven't verified). You can download Finless ROM 1.6 from Raymond's link in post #3: When you run 'ROM Flash Tool.exe', at the top of the application window, you'll see 'Finless ROM Flash Tool - RKAndroidTool v1.35' because bob wants his ROMs only downloaded from; it's very hard to find the original 'RKAndroidTool v1.35' using google. It took me about 3 hours of searching to figure this out. It would be nice if the picuntu install documentation used the new name instead of the old name and save people who aren't familiar with android development unnecessary confusion. Thanks, good suggestion - will be incorporated.!!
Hello at first I must thank you all for your great work. I am new owner of MK808 and I would try to install PicUntu on it. I follow instructions at miniand page. But I cant download picuntu-linuxroot-0.9-RC2.2.tgz from page. I allways get Connection has timed out. Is there another source for download? I made mirrors for PicUntu, you can choose one that is close to you for an optimal download speed: As for RKAndroidTool v1.35, the version Bob Finless includes in his firmwares is just an hex'edited version of the original Windows program.
The clean original program is available on the mirrors: Cheers. Edited by arctablet, 02 February 2013 - 09:50 AM.