Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise Fully Activated Rarity
Microsoft KB article 919895 deals with this issue. Its solutions are reproduced in part here. Method 1: Verify that the time and date settings are correct on the computer Click Start, click Run, type timedate.cpl, and then click OK. If the time or date is incorrect, correct the time or date. If this does not resolve the issue, continue to Method 2. Method 2: Determine whether you are running a trial version of a 2007 Office product If the 2007 Office product runs in reduced functionality mode, you may be using an expired trial version of the 2007 Office product.
Jan 07, 2017 Contains the answers to frequently asked questions about the Office Activation. Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007. Frequently asked questions about.
Note In reduced functionality mode, programs function similarly to a viewer. When a program is running in reduced functionality mode, many menu items are unavailable (dimmed).
This blocks access to that menu functionality. Some limitations of reduced functionality mode include the following: • You cannot create any new documents.
• You can view existing documents. However, you cannot edit them. • You can print documents. However, you cannot save them. Step 1: Check the version of 2007 Office Check whether you are using a trial version of the 2007 Office product by following these steps: • Start Microsoft Office Word 2007. • Click the Microsoft Office Button.
• Click program name Options. • In the Navigation Pane, click Resources.
• Click About next to about Microsoft Office Word 2007. Step 2: Check whether the trial version of 2007 Office has expired • Start Word 2007. • Click the Microsoft Office Button. • Click program name Options.
• In the navigation pane, click Resources. • Click Activate next to activate Microsoft Office. • If the trial version of 2007 Office has expired, the 2007 Office program will display a message that states this fact. If you are running an expired trial version of 2007 Office, you must install a retail version of 2007 Office. You cannot activate an expired trial version of 2007 Office.
If you are not running a trial version of 2007 Office, continue to Method 3. Method 3: Delete the Opa12.dat file Some activation problems indicate that the license file is corrupted. If the license file is corrupted, you cannot resolve the problem by removing and then reinstalling the Office product. The license file is not removed when you remove the Office product. Additionally, the license file is not overwritten when you reinstall the Office product.
Another symptom of a corrupted license file is a failure to successfully pass Office Genuine Advantage validation. Windows Server 2003 Std Oem Iso 9001. If the license file is corrupted, use one of the following methods to delete the license file. Windows XP • Click Start, click Run, type%AllUsersprofile% Application Data Microsoft Office Data, and then click OK. • Locate the Opa12.dat file in the Data folder. • Right-click the Opa12.dat file, and then click Delete. Important Do not delete the Opa12.bak file. • Close the folder.
• Start a 2007 Office program to start the 2007 Office Activation Wizard. Note When you uninstall the 2007 Office product, the license file is not removed. Additionally, the license file is not overwritten when you reinstall the 2007 Office product.
By deleting the Opa12.dat file, you force the license file to be recreated.