Lincolnshire Co Op Staff Handbook
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Some 27 members of Lincolnshire Co-op staff were awarded for their combined 675 years of service since starting their careers in 1989. Colleagues from all sectors of the business reached the 25-year landmark together, including florists, travel agents and customer service staff. The achievement was celebrated with a Long Service dinner. Members of staff who attended were presented with a commemorative gold watch from the society to say thank you. Colleagues recounted fond memories of their workplaces.
Jennifer Lloyd who now works in Property Maintenance, recounted receiving an odd return, many years ago whilst working at the former Silver Street Store. Grendizer Arabic Rapidshare Free. She said: “One of our customers came in to return a faulty casserole dish – with sausages still in it. What’s more, she wanted the sausages replacing too!” Head of People and Performance Heather Lee said: “It’s a testament to what a great place Lincolnshire Co-op is to work that people stay with us for so long.