Download Sims 2 Censor Patch Cheat Code
Vbulletin 5 Themes Free Download. There is a great little program that might be worth your time looking. Its called SeeThem2 linky-->It installs as a program that sits on your desktop. Has pretty little clicky pictures that let you turn the censors on and off, also does the boolProp testing cheat, 45 grid rotation, and snaptogrid. If by disney-friendy you mean that you have gotten rid of the blur but they still look barbie doll underneath, well, thats actually how sim anatomy is.
Remove Censor Blur in Sims 2 Deluxe Version. I've read many posts on many pages discussing how to apply the updated 'remove censor' patch for Sims 2.
MTS2 has plenty of default replacement skins you can use to give them more 'definition' in their chest areas. And there are mods out there that gives guys their guy parts, but you will have to find those on your own.;-).