Directx Fbx Converter
Importer for Autodesk Fbx file format. Dxwnd. File importer and file viewer is written using Visual Studio express 2012,C++ and DirectX 9.0c graphic lib, support maximum of.
While putting together the article, I cast aside all warnings and threw caution to the wind and spent a bit of time trying to get my 3D starter XNA sample in to the framework, it should come as no surprise from the tenant of that article that I failed, granted I only spent about an hour or so on it but I realized quickly why it was only 2D so far. That being said, I find myself looking at the source and Unity’s API daring myself to go back and fix it, I may if I have time. Now one of the biggest barriers I hit was that some of my assets were in Microsoft’s DirectX X.X format, there is no problem for XNA but Unity does not like these, not one bit.
What Formats DOES Unity Support Amazingly, Unity has an astounding amount of support for 3D model formats, including: Road to Conversion Now quite surprisingly, converting models FROM.X is quite difficult, want a package to SAVE in.X format no problem, but Import!, that’s a one way trip to the funny farm. After a few hours of searching and installing tools, I eventually came across a solution that not only worked, it was also FREE. Is primarily a tool for mapping and editing the UV coordinates of low poly models, but it can also read and write models from one format to another.
It supports Importing & exporting LWO, OBJ, DXF, 3DS, ASC, COB, and X files. So after launching up, you can open up a model file: Once loaded, we can simply then save the model to whichever format we want to use, I’ve no particular preference but I generally use OBJ files as they are more commonly supported by other tools, but if you are using Unity and have access to 3D Studio Max (or have a modeler who does), then you can just export to.3DS which Unity also supports: Just be sure to use the “Model –>Save” options, the export options are for other things. *Note I could not confirm (just because I didn’t have any assets to test with) if LithUnwrap will also convert / save all the features of a model such as Animations, Bones. It does support Meshes and Textures (including the ability to UnWrap / change the UV mapping of a model) but you should check if you have Animations or Bones in your model if they are also exported.
Granted if you have no other option you might just have to live with it and re-create them in your tool of choice. What Didn’t Work? In my journey, I followed many posts and hints of ways I could convert.X files, here why most of them didn’t work: • – Was free to TRY and could read.X files.
But doesn’t allow saving in the trial. Granted it wasn’t much and you may want to buy Milkshape if you wish. • – Truespace was made free several years back after Microsoft bought them, can be tricky to find but it's a great Free 3D tool.
However, it cannot import.X files no matter what people say! () • Online / downloadable model converters – looked at several but ALL require purchase, anything from $100 to $$$$, seems it’s a very hot market. • – I found hints that these big boy tools may be able to read.X files but couldn’t confirm (plus Autodesk’s site wasn’t working when I tried to check) • had some great tools (like xconv) but they generally only convert into 1 format or another, usually for specific Game engines like Modern Warfare • is a great and FREE 3D modelling tool, however it can only Export.X files. I think it did Import.X files at one point but such things have been lost to the past (I went back as far as version 2.49b but no luck.) • Do it yourself – found a nice article on how you could write your own converter / importer for the.X format, but I’m just not going there right now – Back on Story Right, I’m going back to my futures series, next up is the which has raised a fair few eyebrows of late with announcements such as this: • Later!
Long time game developer / IT maniac. By day working as a lowly Technical Architect for a healthcare software firm, by night Masquerading as the Master Chief of ZenithMoon Studios. At heart I'm a community developer breaking down lots of fun and curious technologies and bringing them to the masses. I'm also a contributor to several open source projects, most notably the AdRotator advertising rotator project for Windows and Windows Phone. After a hefty break with Windows Phone and Windows 8 I'm heading back to my XNA roots to show how beginners and current XNA devs can take their skills forward with XNA's bleak future. ID&Xbox MVP & Best selling author [Mastering Unity 2D Game Development] ([Unity 3D UI Essentials] (
Matthew Eanor 8-Nov-12 12:13 8-Nov-12 12:13 Hi Simon, thanks for the useful info. It is certainly most helpful! There is an alternative approach for accessing.x model content which might not be that great *cough* but is something that I have done in the past for my sins. If you run a.x model or a.fbx model through the standard xna content pipeline, you'll get a corresponding.xnb asset out of the other side.
This xnb Model asset is in a documented freely available format which means you can write your own converter tool to read in the content pipeline-ified model and convert it to whatever format you like. Of course, that only works if you know the format you want to write out to I guess (I was writing an importer for my own projects so that wasn't too much of an issue for me). This way will keep the bone information which I think might be lost in.obj conversion.
I know that the.x format is also well documented but I find the xnb easier to parse personally as it maps pretty much straight onto the XNA Model class. Anyway, not sure this adds much to your article but thought I'd post it anyway. Yup, the XNA team did release the XNB format here - It's certainly an interesting proposition to use XNA as a content builder, including custom formats and then writing a new unity content importer just to read XNB's, although probably out of the reach of most beginners. It certainly adds another flavor to the story which I hadn't considered, great idea But at least you don't need to do this with FBX files since Unity supports them, but if you want your own model forat then it would also be useful Last Visit: 31-Dec-99 19:00 Last Update: 31-Dec-17 0:19 1 General News Suggestion Question Bug Answer Joke Praise Rant Admin Use Ctrl+Left/Right to switch messages, Ctrl+Up/Down to switch threads, Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right to switch pages.
Here is a link to AssimpView. It is Open Source and can be used to view the following 3d model file types. Collada (.dae) Blender (.blend) 3ds Max 3DS (.3ds) 3ds Max ASE (.ase) Wavefront Object (.obj) Stanford Polygon Library (.ply) Autocad DXF (.dxf) Lightwave (.lwo) Modo (.lxo) Object File Format (.off) Ogre XML (.xml) Stereolithography (.stl) DirectX (.x) AC3D (.ac) Milkshape 3D (.ms3d) Even more are supported but I don't want to take the time to list them all when you can visit the website for a full list. At first I got a directx9 error but after downloading the DirectX 9 Runtime Installer from the following site the error went away.